Sunday, December 8, 2013

Husband's Be Faithful To Your Wives...

Be Faithful to Your Wife

My son, if you listen closely
    to my wisdom and good sense,
you will have sound judgment,
    and you will always know
    the right thing to say.
The words of an immoral woman
may be as sweet as honey
    and as smooth as olive oil.
But all that you really get
from being with her
    is bitter poison and pain.
If you follow her,
she will lead you down
    to the world of the dead.
She has missed the path
that leads to life
    and doesn’t even know it.

My son, listen to me
    and do everything I say.
Stay away from a bad woman!
    Don’t even go near the door
    of her house.
You will lose your self-respect
    and end up in debt
    to some cruel person
    for the rest of your life.
10 Strangers will get your money
    and everything else
    you have worked for.
11 When it’s all over,
your body will waste away,
    as you groan 12 and shout,
“I hated advice and correction!
13 I paid no attention
    to my teachers,
14     and now I am disgraced
    in front of everyone.”

15 You should be faithful
    to your wife,
    just as you take water
    from your own well.[a]
16 And don’t be like a stream
    from which just any woman
    may take a drink.
17 Save yourself for your wife
    and don’t have sex
    with other women.
18 Be happy with the wife
you married
    when you were young.
19 She is beautiful and graceful,
    just like a deer;
    you should be attracted to her
    and stay deeply in love.

20 Don’t go crazy over a woman
    who is unfaithful
    to her own husband!
21 The Lord sees everything,
    and he watches us closely.
22 Sinners are trapped and caught
    by their own evil deeds.
23 They get lost and die
because of their foolishness
    and lack of self-control.
(Proverbs 5:1-23) 

Remember it takes both of you to make things work. No where does it say in the bible that once ur married you live "Happily Ever After". It takes a lot of work, endurance, patience, understanding, and willingness. Like I have mentioned before If you do not put GOD first in your marriage it is going to fail. You can not make it work on "I Love You's " and Make-up Sex, blunt but true. There is more to a relationship than that. Even If you find that your spouse is cheating on you, pray for them. Do not give up and lose hope in them. God is so strong that he will help see you through this. I know the movie with Kirk Cameron, "Fireproof" is a wonderful christian movie you and your spouse can watch together. You can purchase the "Love Dare" books at your local Lifeway Christian Book Store. Even if you think there is not a chance you feel you can ever love this person again, wait and work on it first before you throw in the towel. Pray about it. Take time to talk to your spouse and try to resolve what can be saved. Seek marriage counseling to help out as well. PUT GOD first then see what a turn around it makes into your relationship in the future. Be patient, but NEVER stop praying for your spouse!
God Bless Your Marriage,

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Tounge Is A Creative Force...

In Matthew 12: 36-37 it reads: (36) But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgement. (37) For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.

In my bible excerpt it talks about The Unpardonable Sin
It is defined as continually attributing the work of the Holy Spirit to Satan in full knowledge that the work is God's work. All sin can and will be forgiven when there is genuine repentance. Even blasphemy, or profaning God's name in some way, can be forgiven when God's forgiveness is sought. However, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit ascribes to Satan what is done by God, and that cannot be forgiven. To be against Jesus in this way requires that the perpetrator know precisely what he is doing, knowingly,and willingly credit Satan rather than the Holy Spirit with the work of God.

Why would Someone do this?
Because to admit these miracles were from God would require acknowledging and following Jesus as Messiah, resulting in abandoning his own way. (See Is. 53:6)

I understand completely how in life sometimes things fly out of your mouth, but as Christians we should have better self control. No One person is perfect for if we were the world would be pretty boring. God made us all different but He does expect us to live by His words and instructions He has provided for us all. The very same principals we should pass on to our families and even people out there who do not know the Lord. 

Seal our mouths, and let us think before we speak. God, make decisions everyday count and let us all hold each other accountable for our words, we can be forgiven by them but not forgotten with them. The tongue can be an evil vice to send out hatred into the world, protect our hearts, minds so that we will always think of pleasing you first in what we say each hour, minute, second. 
In your precious name,

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Take A Deep Breath.. Breathe..

Parenting...Lessons To Be Learned Daily

If your a parent, you know exactly where I am coming from on this blog today. Children are a blessing in your life, no matter how they enter it. God gives us what we need, when we need it. Not what we want and when we want it. So, 6 years ago this year my first child was born. When I was told I couldn't get pregnant on my own I was devastated. Luckily, God knew before me that it was set for me to have a child. I was able to take Clomid and got pregnant. Praise Him! Six long years later, My daughter LauraBeth has grew up to be a strong, stubborn, willed, loving, full of imagination, always remembers what you say kinda girl. That all being said, I also have a 2 year old who's energetic, and a tomboy to boot. Last but not least, is my 4month old son. Needless to say my home is not quiet! I love and adore all 3 of my children. Being a parent there are daily learned lessons for life. Everyday something new is developed.I want to raise my children in a Godly manner and be the example they need to follow even throughout adulthood.

 I found online a calendar called 31 Biblical Virtues to pray for your children. I am going to start it Jan 1st 2014. You are welcome to do this also for your own kids. I can't wait to start it and pray that God will speak to them each day in some way for them to understand.

Please watch over our precious children each day and help us as parents to live the right way. Those little eyes are ears are watching our every move! Lord make every choice, word, action we make be pleasing to you God as well as an example to our children. Give us the strength to have patience and a loving open arm for their comfort. Giving these children back to you is a blessing. Making them "fishers of men" or training them to be in "the Lord's army" as they grow year after year. Grant us wisdom and knowledge to grow stronger in your word ourselves so that we can apply it in our family and pass this down for generations to come. Thank you Lord for our children no matter how they came into our lives, they are a blessing from you God. We are forever grateful to you for each of them.
In your precious name,