In Matthew 12: 36-37 it reads: (36) But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgement. (37) For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.
In my bible excerpt it talks about The Unpardonable Sin.
It is defined as continually attributing the work of the Holy Spirit to Satan in full knowledge that the work is God's work. All sin can and will be forgiven when there is genuine repentance. Even blasphemy, or profaning God's name in some way, can be forgiven when God's forgiveness is sought. However, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit ascribes to Satan what is done by God, and that cannot be forgiven. To be against Jesus in this way requires that the perpetrator know precisely what he is doing, knowingly,and willingly credit Satan rather than the Holy Spirit with the work of God.
Why would Someone do this?
Because to admit these miracles were from God would require acknowledging and following Jesus as Messiah, resulting in abandoning his own way. (See Is. 53:6)
I understand completely how in life sometimes things fly out of your mouth, but as Christians we should have better self control. No One person is perfect for if we were the world would be pretty boring. God made us all different but He does expect us to live by His words and instructions He has provided for us all. The very same principals we should pass on to our families and even people out there who do not know the Lord.
Seal our mouths, and let us think before we speak. God, make decisions everyday count and let us all hold each other accountable for our words, we can be forgiven by them but not forgotten with them. The tongue can be an evil vice to send out hatred into the world, protect our hearts, minds so that we will always think of pleasing you first in what we say each hour, minute, second.
In your precious name,
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