Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Helping Children Grieve

Helping a Child Grieve

Many people do not realize how traumatic and confusing death can be on a child. Although children tend to grieve for shorter periods of time, their grief is no less intense than that experienced by adults. Children also tend to comeback to the subject repeatedly; so extreme patience is required when dealing with the grieving child.

Below we have two options for caregivers of children to help them through the loss of a Loved One or dear friend.
Helpful tips for the grieving child include:
1. Giving the child permission to work through their grief.
- Tell their teacher about the Loss.
- Encourage the child to talk freely about the Loss.
- Give the child plenty of hugs and reassurance.
- Discuss death, dying and grief honestly.
2. NEVER say things like "God took them" or the Departed was "put to sleep."
- The child will learn to fear that God will take them, their parents or their siblings.
- The child will become afraid of going to sleep.
3. Include the child in everything that is going on.
4. Explain the permanency of death.

A child's age determines how they will view the passing of a Loved One.
The death of a Loved One creates a sense of loss for adults and produces a predictable chain of emotions. The stages of grief are typically denial, sadness, depression, guilt, anger, and, finally, relief (or recovery). However, the effects on children vary widely depending upon the child's age and maturity level. The basis for their reaction is their ability to understand death.

Two and Three Year Olds
Children who are two or three years old typically have no understanding of death.
They often consider it a form of sleep. They should be told that their Loved One has died and will not return. Common reactions to this include temporary loss of speech and generalized distress. The two or three year old should be reassured that the Loved One's failure to return is unrelated to anything the child may have said or done.

Four, Five, and Six-Year Olds
Children in this age range have some understanding of death but in a way that relates to a continued existence. The Loved One may be considered to be living underground while continuing to eat, breathe, and play.
Alternatively, they may perceive the Loved One to be asleep. A return to life may be expected if the child views death as temporary. These children often feel that any anger they had for the Loved One may be responsible for the death. This view should be refuted because they may also translate this belief to the death of family members in the past.
Some children also see death as contagious and begin to fear that their own death (or that of others) is imminent. They should be reassured that their death is not likely. Manifestations of grief often take the form of disturbances in bladder and bowel control, eating, and sleeping. This is best managed by parent-child discussions that allow the child to express feelings and concerns. Several brief discussions are generally more productive than one or two prolonged sessions.

Seven, Eight, and Nine-Year Olds
The irreversibility of death becomes real to these children. They usually do not personalize death, thinking it cannot happen to them. However, some children may develop concerns about death of their parents. They may become very curious about death and its implications. Parents should be ready to respond frankly and honestly to questions that may arise. Several manifestations of grief may occur in these children, including the development of school problems, learning problems, antisocial behavior, hypochondriacal concerns, or aggression. Additionally, withdrawal, over attentiveness, or clinging behavior may be seen. Based on grief reactions to the loss of parents or siblings, it is likely that the symptoms may not occur immediately but several weeks or months later.

Ten and Eleven Year Olds
Children in this age range generally understand death as natural, inevitable, and universal. Consequently, these children often react to death in a manner very similar to adults.

Although this age group also reacts similarly to adults, many adolescents may exhibit various forms of denial. This usually takes the form of a lack of emotional display. Consequently, these young people may be experiencing sincere grief without any outward manifestations.

If you would like to know more on other things go to This is what I found researching. (I did not write this.) I found it helpful and wanted to share.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Husband's Be Faithful To Your Wives...

Be Faithful to Your Wife

My son, if you listen closely
    to my wisdom and good sense,
you will have sound judgment,
    and you will always know
    the right thing to say.
The words of an immoral woman
may be as sweet as honey
    and as smooth as olive oil.
But all that you really get
from being with her
    is bitter poison and pain.
If you follow her,
she will lead you down
    to the world of the dead.
She has missed the path
that leads to life
    and doesn’t even know it.

My son, listen to me
    and do everything I say.
Stay away from a bad woman!
    Don’t even go near the door
    of her house.
You will lose your self-respect
    and end up in debt
    to some cruel person
    for the rest of your life.
10 Strangers will get your money
    and everything else
    you have worked for.
11 When it’s all over,
your body will waste away,
    as you groan 12 and shout,
“I hated advice and correction!
13 I paid no attention
    to my teachers,
14     and now I am disgraced
    in front of everyone.”

15 You should be faithful
    to your wife,
    just as you take water
    from your own well.[a]
16 And don’t be like a stream
    from which just any woman
    may take a drink.
17 Save yourself for your wife
    and don’t have sex
    with other women.
18 Be happy with the wife
you married
    when you were young.
19 She is beautiful and graceful,
    just like a deer;
    you should be attracted to her
    and stay deeply in love.

20 Don’t go crazy over a woman
    who is unfaithful
    to her own husband!
21 The Lord sees everything,
    and he watches us closely.
22 Sinners are trapped and caught
    by their own evil deeds.
23 They get lost and die
because of their foolishness
    and lack of self-control.
(Proverbs 5:1-23) 

Remember it takes both of you to make things work. No where does it say in the bible that once ur married you live "Happily Ever After". It takes a lot of work, endurance, patience, understanding, and willingness. Like I have mentioned before If you do not put GOD first in your marriage it is going to fail. You can not make it work on "I Love You's " and Make-up Sex, blunt but true. There is more to a relationship than that. Even If you find that your spouse is cheating on you, pray for them. Do not give up and lose hope in them. God is so strong that he will help see you through this. I know the movie with Kirk Cameron, "Fireproof" is a wonderful christian movie you and your spouse can watch together. You can purchase the "Love Dare" books at your local Lifeway Christian Book Store. Even if you think there is not a chance you feel you can ever love this person again, wait and work on it first before you throw in the towel. Pray about it. Take time to talk to your spouse and try to resolve what can be saved. Seek marriage counseling to help out as well. PUT GOD first then see what a turn around it makes into your relationship in the future. Be patient, but NEVER stop praying for your spouse!
God Bless Your Marriage,

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Tounge Is A Creative Force...

In Matthew 12: 36-37 it reads: (36) But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgement. (37) For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.

In my bible excerpt it talks about The Unpardonable Sin
It is defined as continually attributing the work of the Holy Spirit to Satan in full knowledge that the work is God's work. All sin can and will be forgiven when there is genuine repentance. Even blasphemy, or profaning God's name in some way, can be forgiven when God's forgiveness is sought. However, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit ascribes to Satan what is done by God, and that cannot be forgiven. To be against Jesus in this way requires that the perpetrator know precisely what he is doing, knowingly,and willingly credit Satan rather than the Holy Spirit with the work of God.

Why would Someone do this?
Because to admit these miracles were from God would require acknowledging and following Jesus as Messiah, resulting in abandoning his own way. (See Is. 53:6)

I understand completely how in life sometimes things fly out of your mouth, but as Christians we should have better self control. No One person is perfect for if we were the world would be pretty boring. God made us all different but He does expect us to live by His words and instructions He has provided for us all. The very same principals we should pass on to our families and even people out there who do not know the Lord. 

Seal our mouths, and let us think before we speak. God, make decisions everyday count and let us all hold each other accountable for our words, we can be forgiven by them but not forgotten with them. The tongue can be an evil vice to send out hatred into the world, protect our hearts, minds so that we will always think of pleasing you first in what we say each hour, minute, second. 
In your precious name,

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Take A Deep Breath.. Breathe..

Parenting...Lessons To Be Learned Daily

If your a parent, you know exactly where I am coming from on this blog today. Children are a blessing in your life, no matter how they enter it. God gives us what we need, when we need it. Not what we want and when we want it. So, 6 years ago this year my first child was born. When I was told I couldn't get pregnant on my own I was devastated. Luckily, God knew before me that it was set for me to have a child. I was able to take Clomid and got pregnant. Praise Him! Six long years later, My daughter LauraBeth has grew up to be a strong, stubborn, willed, loving, full of imagination, always remembers what you say kinda girl. That all being said, I also have a 2 year old who's energetic, and a tomboy to boot. Last but not least, is my 4month old son. Needless to say my home is not quiet! I love and adore all 3 of my children. Being a parent there are daily learned lessons for life. Everyday something new is developed.I want to raise my children in a Godly manner and be the example they need to follow even throughout adulthood.

 I found online a calendar called 31 Biblical Virtues to pray for your children. I am going to start it Jan 1st 2014. You are welcome to do this also for your own kids. I can't wait to start it and pray that God will speak to them each day in some way for them to understand.

Please watch over our precious children each day and help us as parents to live the right way. Those little eyes are ears are watching our every move! Lord make every choice, word, action we make be pleasing to you God as well as an example to our children. Give us the strength to have patience and a loving open arm for their comfort. Giving these children back to you is a blessing. Making them "fishers of men" or training them to be in "the Lord's army" as they grow year after year. Grant us wisdom and knowledge to grow stronger in your word ourselves so that we can apply it in our family and pass this down for generations to come. Thank you Lord for our children no matter how they came into our lives, they are a blessing from you God. We are forever grateful to you for each of them.
In your precious name,

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

"Dealing With Death?"

How does the reality of resurrection impact my life now?

John 11: 1-57
John 11:21-27, 33-44

!Think About It!
How is death viewed differently between a believer and a non-believer?
For a non-believer, I think a person would be more scared since they wouldn't know what to expect after death. For a believer, it's a wonderful thing. To be going on to a life of eternity with the heavenly father, no pain, happiness forever. 

Setting: A friend of Jesus, Lazarus was sick. His sisters were Martha and Mary. They sent a message to Jesus that Lazarus was dying. At first, Jesus did not travel to Bethany, which is near Jerusalem. Jesus' disciples had warned Jesus not to travel there because they feared for His safety. By the time He did reach Bethany,Lazarus had already been dead and in his tomb for 4 days.

Why Is 4 Days important?
In the old days, some people believed to leave the deceased in a tomb for 3 days. They had no way of knowing if a person was truly dead. I am assuming they used this rule of thumb maybe to know for sure they were dead.

 John 1:21-25: (21) Martha said to Jesus, "Lord, if only you had been here, my brother would not have died.(22) But even now I know that God will give you whatever you ask."(23) Jesus told her, "Your brother will rise again." (24) "Yes," Martha said, "he will rise when everyone else rises, at the last day." (25) Jesus told her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying."

!Think About It! 
What hinders us having a strong faith in the promise of eternal life?

John 11:26-27: (26) Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this, Martha?" (27) "Yes, Lord," she told him. "I have always believed you are the Messiah, the son of God, the one who has come into the world from God."

!Think About It!
When has knowing Jesus promised life after death helped you overcome a time of grief?

Meanwhile, Martha went home and told Mary that Jesus wanted to see her as well. She came to Jesus and said almost the same thing as her sister... "If you had been here sooner, my brother would not be dead." 

John 11:33-35: (33) When Jesus saw her weeping and saw the other people wailing with her, a deep anger welled up within him, and he was deeply troubled. (34) "Where have you put him?" he asked them. They told him, "Lord, com and see." (35) Then Jesus wept.

!Think About It!
Do you think we make Jesus weep when we fail to acknowledge His personal concern for us by acting and living as though the negative aspects of our lives are too great for Him to handle?

Why or Why Not?

John 11:36-39: (36) The people who were standing nearby said,"See how much he loved him!" (37) But some said, "This man healed a blind man. Couldn't he have kept Lazarus from dying?" (38)Jesus was still angry as he arrived at the tomb,a cave with a stone rolled across its entrance.(39) "Roll the stone aside," Jesus told them. But Martha, the dead man's sister, protested, "Lord, he has been dead for four days. The smell will be terrible."

!Think About It!
In what ways do we discount or underestimate our Savior's power because 2,000 years separates us from His earthly ministry?

 John 11:40-44:  (40) Jesus responded, "Didn't I tell you that you would see God's glory if you believe ?" (41) So they rolled the stone aside. Then Jesus looked up to heaven and said, "Father, thank you for hearing me. (42) You always hear me, but I said it out loud for the sake of all these people standing here, so that they will believe you sent me." (43) Then Jesus shouted,"Lazarus, come out!" (43) And the dead man came out, his hands and feet bound in graveclothes, his face wrapped in a headcloth. Jesus told them, "Unwrap him and let him go!"

!Think About It!
Has there been someone in your life that when their physical bodies fail them, you will be at peace with their death knowing they will have eternal life?

*The key word here is to believe in your savior and he will rescue you in your time of need. 

It's hard for us to grasp sometimes of what He can do, people were able to actually see the miracles unfold in front of them. In today's times, we have to believe in Him and use our faith to ensure he still does and always performs miracles in our everyday lives. Never doubt what the Lord can do, He does many great things! With losing my Grandmother 3 years ago at Christmas time it's still hard to get through. My husband Lost his grandfather this year, and things are hard as well. With God's help we are gonna pull through it all.
God Bless,

Monday, November 25, 2013


Grandparents have an opportunity for ministry to their grandchildren that parents may not have time to do.Grandparents can be a prime channel of spiritual education, especially in homes of single parents or homes in which both parents work.
 Here are some suggestions for investing in the next generation:

  • Share how God spoke to you (or other family members) through the years, and how you obeyed His commands. This vital testimony gives grandchildren "know-how" and spiritual roots as well as keeping family history alive. Provide wise counsel,time-tested insights, and your knowledge at appropriate times.
  • Pray for your grandchildren, using Paul's prayers as examples. Pray for their protection, both spiritually and physically.
  • Pray with your grandchildren
  • Give your grandchildren Christian books, tapes, and videos. (Prov. 3:27)
  • Read the Bible together, shoulder to shoulder. (Ps.119:9-11)
In many ways, grandparents are strong role models for their grandchildren (2 Tim.1:5). 
As such, grandparents have a powerful influence in exemplifying these messages:
  • Forgiveness is the highest form of giving (Eph.4:32)
  • Right and wrong are defined by God's word (Prov.14:12)
  • Great joy can be experienced in living each day, rather than dwelling on the past or future (Neh.8:10; Ps.118:24).
As a grandparent, don't complain about your aches and pains. Instead, praise God for your long life. You will be happier,and so will people around you (1 Thess.5:18). Stay active and maintain interests outside the family(Col.2:6-7). Be careful to undermine parental authority. Be there, but do not meddle.

And what about the great rewards as a grandparent? There are many! 
The crowns of grandparenting include:
  • Hearing again the spontaneous joy and laughter of a little child
  • Sensing pride and making your mark and extending your influence to the next generation (Prov.17:6; Is.51:1)
  • Allowing God to channel His love through you into the lives of your grandchildren (Ps. 78:6)
  • Having your life renewed and faith revitalized (Ruth 4:15)
Here is a good book to read for all you Grandparents out there! :)
God Bless all Grandparents!

 God Bless,

Sunday, November 24, 2013

"The Building Blocks of a Godly Home"

"Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is useless." Psalm 127:1

Psalm 127, "Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him." The family  was God's most precious creation.

God designed the family but with specific dynamics in mind:

  •     A husband and wife for a lifetime of commitment
  •     Raising children to revere and honor the Lord
  •     Clear Scriptural roles within the family team
  •     For God to be the center and the foundation of a happy home.

Let's look at the building blocks for a Godly home:

  Building Block 1: Christ our foundation. "Unless the LORD builds the house.."

  •     Christ brings fulfillment to our lives
  •     In the midst of our busyness let us not forget why God has put our families together. 
Matthew 7:24-27  Jesus gives us the key to building  successful family.
Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on a rock. (25) Through the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the wind beats against that house, it won't collapse because it is built on bedrock. (26) But anyone who hears my teachings and doesn't obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand. (27) When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against the house, it will collapse with a mighty crash.
                       Building Block 2: A Healthy Marriage.  "This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united as one. Since they are no longer two but one, let no man separate them, for God has joined them together." Mark 10: 7-9
  •  All other relationships in your family is dependent upon the relationship between husband and wife.Your children will eventually model their marriage after yours.
                       Building Block 3: Understanding Biblical roles. 
Ephesians 5: 21-29; 6:1-3
  • Husbands- Your role is to be the spiritual leader of your home.
  • Wives- "As the church submits to Christ, so you wives must submit to your husbands in everything." V.24
  • Children- "Children, obey your parents because you belong to the Lord, for this is the right thing to do. 'Honor your Father and Mother.' This is the first of the Ten Commandments that end with a promise. And this is the promise: If you honor your Father and Mother, you will live a long life, full of blessing." Eph. 6:1-3.