Monday, November 25, 2013


Grandparents have an opportunity for ministry to their grandchildren that parents may not have time to do.Grandparents can be a prime channel of spiritual education, especially in homes of single parents or homes in which both parents work.
 Here are some suggestions for investing in the next generation:

  • Share how God spoke to you (or other family members) through the years, and how you obeyed His commands. This vital testimony gives grandchildren "know-how" and spiritual roots as well as keeping family history alive. Provide wise counsel,time-tested insights, and your knowledge at appropriate times.
  • Pray for your grandchildren, using Paul's prayers as examples. Pray for their protection, both spiritually and physically.
  • Pray with your grandchildren
  • Give your grandchildren Christian books, tapes, and videos. (Prov. 3:27)
  • Read the Bible together, shoulder to shoulder. (Ps.119:9-11)
In many ways, grandparents are strong role models for their grandchildren (2 Tim.1:5). 
As such, grandparents have a powerful influence in exemplifying these messages:
  • Forgiveness is the highest form of giving (Eph.4:32)
  • Right and wrong are defined by God's word (Prov.14:12)
  • Great joy can be experienced in living each day, rather than dwelling on the past or future (Neh.8:10; Ps.118:24).
As a grandparent, don't complain about your aches and pains. Instead, praise God for your long life. You will be happier,and so will people around you (1 Thess.5:18). Stay active and maintain interests outside the family(Col.2:6-7). Be careful to undermine parental authority. Be there, but do not meddle.

And what about the great rewards as a grandparent? There are many! 
The crowns of grandparenting include:
  • Hearing again the spontaneous joy and laughter of a little child
  • Sensing pride and making your mark and extending your influence to the next generation (Prov.17:6; Is.51:1)
  • Allowing God to channel His love through you into the lives of your grandchildren (Ps. 78:6)
  • Having your life renewed and faith revitalized (Ruth 4:15)
Here is a good book to read for all you Grandparents out there! :)
God Bless all Grandparents!

 God Bless,

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