Tuesday, November 26, 2013

"Dealing With Death?"

How does the reality of resurrection impact my life now?

John 11: 1-57
John 11:21-27, 33-44

!Think About It!
How is death viewed differently between a believer and a non-believer?
For a non-believer, I think a person would be more scared since they wouldn't know what to expect after death. For a believer, it's a wonderful thing. To be going on to a life of eternity with the heavenly father, no pain, happiness forever. 

Setting: A friend of Jesus, Lazarus was sick. His sisters were Martha and Mary. They sent a message to Jesus that Lazarus was dying. At first, Jesus did not travel to Bethany, which is near Jerusalem. Jesus' disciples had warned Jesus not to travel there because they feared for His safety. By the time He did reach Bethany,Lazarus had already been dead and in his tomb for 4 days.

Why Is 4 Days important?
In the old days, some people believed to leave the deceased in a tomb for 3 days. They had no way of knowing if a person was truly dead. I am assuming they used this rule of thumb maybe to know for sure they were dead.

 John 1:21-25: (21) Martha said to Jesus, "Lord, if only you had been here, my brother would not have died.(22) But even now I know that God will give you whatever you ask."(23) Jesus told her, "Your brother will rise again." (24) "Yes," Martha said, "he will rise when everyone else rises, at the last day." (25) Jesus told her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying."

!Think About It! 
What hinders us having a strong faith in the promise of eternal life?

John 11:26-27: (26) Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this, Martha?" (27) "Yes, Lord," she told him. "I have always believed you are the Messiah, the son of God, the one who has come into the world from God."

!Think About It!
When has knowing Jesus promised life after death helped you overcome a time of grief?

Meanwhile, Martha went home and told Mary that Jesus wanted to see her as well. She came to Jesus and said almost the same thing as her sister... "If you had been here sooner, my brother would not be dead." 

John 11:33-35: (33) When Jesus saw her weeping and saw the other people wailing with her, a deep anger welled up within him, and he was deeply troubled. (34) "Where have you put him?" he asked them. They told him, "Lord, com and see." (35) Then Jesus wept.

!Think About It!
Do you think we make Jesus weep when we fail to acknowledge His personal concern for us by acting and living as though the negative aspects of our lives are too great for Him to handle?

Why or Why Not?

John 11:36-39: (36) The people who were standing nearby said,"See how much he loved him!" (37) But some said, "This man healed a blind man. Couldn't he have kept Lazarus from dying?" (38)Jesus was still angry as he arrived at the tomb,a cave with a stone rolled across its entrance.(39) "Roll the stone aside," Jesus told them. But Martha, the dead man's sister, protested, "Lord, he has been dead for four days. The smell will be terrible."

!Think About It!
In what ways do we discount or underestimate our Savior's power because 2,000 years separates us from His earthly ministry?

 John 11:40-44:  (40) Jesus responded, "Didn't I tell you that you would see God's glory if you believe ?" (41) So they rolled the stone aside. Then Jesus looked up to heaven and said, "Father, thank you for hearing me. (42) You always hear me, but I said it out loud for the sake of all these people standing here, so that they will believe you sent me." (43) Then Jesus shouted,"Lazarus, come out!" (43) And the dead man came out, his hands and feet bound in graveclothes, his face wrapped in a headcloth. Jesus told them, "Unwrap him and let him go!"

!Think About It!
Has there been someone in your life that when their physical bodies fail them, you will be at peace with their death knowing they will have eternal life?

*The key word here is to believe in your savior and he will rescue you in your time of need. 

It's hard for us to grasp sometimes of what He can do, people were able to actually see the miracles unfold in front of them. In today's times, we have to believe in Him and use our faith to ensure he still does and always performs miracles in our everyday lives. Never doubt what the Lord can do, He does many great things! With losing my Grandmother 3 years ago at Christmas time it's still hard to get through. My husband Lost his grandfather this year, and things are hard as well. With God's help we are gonna pull through it all.
God Bless,

Monday, November 25, 2013


Grandparents have an opportunity for ministry to their grandchildren that parents may not have time to do.Grandparents can be a prime channel of spiritual education, especially in homes of single parents or homes in which both parents work.
 Here are some suggestions for investing in the next generation:

  • Share how God spoke to you (or other family members) through the years, and how you obeyed His commands. This vital testimony gives grandchildren "know-how" and spiritual roots as well as keeping family history alive. Provide wise counsel,time-tested insights, and your knowledge at appropriate times.
  • Pray for your grandchildren, using Paul's prayers as examples. Pray for their protection, both spiritually and physically.
  • Pray with your grandchildren
  • Give your grandchildren Christian books, tapes, and videos. (Prov. 3:27)
  • Read the Bible together, shoulder to shoulder. (Ps.119:9-11)
In many ways, grandparents are strong role models for their grandchildren (2 Tim.1:5). 
As such, grandparents have a powerful influence in exemplifying these messages:
  • Forgiveness is the highest form of giving (Eph.4:32)
  • Right and wrong are defined by God's word (Prov.14:12)
  • Great joy can be experienced in living each day, rather than dwelling on the past or future (Neh.8:10; Ps.118:24).
As a grandparent, don't complain about your aches and pains. Instead, praise God for your long life. You will be happier,and so will people around you (1 Thess.5:18). Stay active and maintain interests outside the family(Col.2:6-7). Be careful to undermine parental authority. Be there, but do not meddle.

And what about the great rewards as a grandparent? There are many! 
The crowns of grandparenting include:
  • Hearing again the spontaneous joy and laughter of a little child
  • Sensing pride and making your mark and extending your influence to the next generation (Prov.17:6; Is.51:1)
  • Allowing God to channel His love through you into the lives of your grandchildren (Ps. 78:6)
  • Having your life renewed and faith revitalized (Ruth 4:15)
Here is a good book to read for all you Grandparents out there! :)
God Bless all Grandparents!

 God Bless,

Sunday, November 24, 2013

"The Building Blocks of a Godly Home"

"Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is useless." Psalm 127:1

Psalm 127, "Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him." The family  was God's most precious creation.

God designed the family but with specific dynamics in mind:

  •     A husband and wife for a lifetime of commitment
  •     Raising children to revere and honor the Lord
  •     Clear Scriptural roles within the family team
  •     For God to be the center and the foundation of a happy home.

Let's look at the building blocks for a Godly home:

  Building Block 1: Christ our foundation. "Unless the LORD builds the house.."

  •     Christ brings fulfillment to our lives
  •     In the midst of our busyness let us not forget why God has put our families together. 
Matthew 7:24-27  Jesus gives us the key to building  successful family.
Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on a rock. (25) Through the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the wind beats against that house, it won't collapse because it is built on bedrock. (26) But anyone who hears my teachings and doesn't obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand. (27) When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against the house, it will collapse with a mighty crash.
                       Building Block 2: A Healthy Marriage.  "This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united as one. Since they are no longer two but one, let no man separate them, for God has joined them together." Mark 10: 7-9
  •  All other relationships in your family is dependent upon the relationship between husband and wife.Your children will eventually model their marriage after yours.
                       Building Block 3: Understanding Biblical roles. 
Ephesians 5: 21-29; 6:1-3
  • Husbands- Your role is to be the spiritual leader of your home.
  • Wives- "As the church submits to Christ, so you wives must submit to your husbands in everything." V.24
  • Children- "Children, obey your parents because you belong to the Lord, for this is the right thing to do. 'Honor your Father and Mother.' This is the first of the Ten Commandments that end with a promise. And this is the promise: If you honor your Father and Mother, you will live a long life, full of blessing." Eph. 6:1-3.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Enhancing My Love Relationship (Part 2)

 Emotional Intimacy

"We are most alive when we find it, most devastated when we lose it, most empty when we give up on it,must inhuman when we betray it,and most compassionate when we pursue it."- Erwin McMannis

To increase emotional intimacy you have to find ways to connect every day!
  • Finding time to laugh together. Think about this, when was the last time you had a good belly laugh together?
  • Recollect the first time you held hands together as a couple. Can you remember the emotions involved in that first encounter?
Men, women are difficult to understand, it's just the way God made us. Full of emotions (more than what we want most days) and it only takes simple gestures for it to mean the world to us. For example, Calling to say "I Love You" or holding our hands in public, stroking our hair, a random act of kindness. 

( Men try to open up more to your wives. We share enough of our problems with you and now sometimes it's time for us to take the back seat and listen for a bit. We love and care for you and want to know about what has been on your mind as well.)

Women, men are easy to understand  they are more hard wired to understand the physical part of a relationship. Again, it's the way God made them. Emotions are more harder for them to comprehend and deal with. They tend to hide/shelter their true feelings,both sexes need to take time to work on sharing emotion together. 

We will close each time with you communicating to one another. Three questions for you to consider together:
  1. What are some qualities about your spouse that caused you to fall in love with them? Take turns sharing these and talk about how some of those qualities might have changed over time. What qualities are still the same?
  2. What are some actions that you can take to build your spiritual intimacy with God? with each other? 
  3. When is your next date planned? (What? No date planned? Plan one now, make a commitment and stick to it.)
Help us to be quiet at times to listen to our spouses. Give us the will to take time to spend communicating more and connect closer. Thank you for my spouse and continue to strengthen our spiritual intimacy with you, so our marriage will prosper.
In your name we pray

Thank you for reading my blog and I hope it continues to offer help for those of you who may need it.
God Bless,

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Enhancing My Love Relationship

1 Corinthians 13:7

"Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance."

The world defines love much differently than the Scriptures define love. The world defines love as an emotion, strong feelings that you have toward another person. While it is true that love involves strong emotions, that alone will not sustain a marriage.

What we need today is a Biblical definition of love and a consistent expression of that love toward one another. The Bible defines love not as something that you feel, but rather something that is given to you.

We are here today finding our marriages in different stages, in different situations, some are healthy and others are not. You need to be honest regarding the present reality of your marriage. 

Beginning with intimacy, What is your definition?
To me it means a close warm affectionate relationship, which both feel understood, safe, and loved.

  1. Spiritual Intimacy- The Bible describes the most intimate and profound love as Agape. 
  • Spiritual intimacy is the most critical area in your marriage.
  • Spiritual intimacy involves changing yourself spritually. Deepening your intimacy with God.
(Do this with your spouse) Turn to John 15. Find statements in verses 5-8 that reveal the kind of relationship that Jesus would ask of you?
 As I answered on my paper, I put being the true vine. (This is what I feel he would ask of me. Each answer is different,and would be taken as you feel God speaking to you.)

As each spouse grows closer to God, they become intimate with the Father's love. As they become intimate with the Father's love, they are able to reciprocate that in their marriage. Before you can love your spouse more, you have to love him more.

Other things to discuss are areas of your marriage that may need to be worked on. What are some right now that you need? Talk with your spouse on this and write down what comes to mind. Here are some examples for you that may need improvement.
  • Communication  
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Finances
  • Parenting
  • Sex
  • Spiritual Growth
  • Household Task
  • In-Laws
       How do you feel your marriage is? On a scale of 1-10. 1 being totally miserable and 10 being absolutely perfect. Where are you at today?

Next We talk about the Emotional need in a marriage....

God Bless you and your marriage.
Sister In Christ,

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Introductions & Where We Start...

On this new journey I will share my experiences with you.
I am currently trying to strengthen my marriage with God along by my side. He has to be the center of my marriage in order for it to work properly as he commands. Constantly praying and being an intercessor for my husband. I believe in prayer and it works. Here is our story and it grows daily...

Kyle and I met in October 2011. We met online. We talked for about a month and had decided to meet each other for a first date. On Nov. 8th 2011 I was driving home from work on the interstate. I received a phone call from Kyle, little to both our surprises we were meeting each other sooner than expected. He was in front of me on the interstate headed the same direction. We both decided we couldn't wait any longer and met at the gas station off the exit we both get off of. As I pulled into the station, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach swirling. Bright lights pulled up beside me and both engines shut off, I sat nervously in my car. I waited for him to get out and come to my window. I opened my car door and said Hello! with a quiet shy voice. He and I shared a short hug spoke shortly and then headed home. It was quick, short, and sweet.

On December 25th 2011 Kyle asked me to marry him. I said Yes! We were not engaged very long. We met at the courthouse and were married on August 3rd 2012. We both had been previously married and did not want a big wedding. It was small, sweet. It was us. 

 Kyle & Emily 8/3/12

We have been married one year and are ready to let the rest fly by with ease... or so I thought.
I have been a firm believer in Christ and I have been reborn through him. I love the Lord and ALL he has done for me. I was unaware of the road that lied ahead of me. Kyle's faith was not as strong as mine. It bothered me. I am used to going to church, reading my bible, praying and spending time alone with God. After a month or two had passed I stopped going to church, I stopped being the christian I knew God had planned out for me to be. 

In November 2012, I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd child. I have 2 daughters from a previous marriage. We found out we were having a son and were very excited. I prayed and prayed to have a son, someone who can one day lead a Godly home. Things in my marriage were great but still I felt something missing, all the physical and emotional values were leveled between us. What else could there be? Spiritual reassurance was missing in both our lives and hearts. One month before it was time for me to have our son, Kyle accepted Christ as his savior. I was floored. I had been praying for Kyle all this time and had almost given up on the one thing that kept me going..all along God never left us. He saw our marriage was beginning to go down slope and answered my prayers. 
On August 9th 2013 our son, Lucas was born. A sense of peace came over me and in the room,I felt a hand on my shoulder and a soft voice in my ear.You did it. He's beautiful. I Love You. My husband comforted me and became the man I had been praying for. He was right by my side, my best friend, my everything. I silently prayed thanking God for our son and that I was giving him to the Lord. The children are on earth for us to raise in his ways but they belong to him. I thanked him for my husband and asked that he continue to work on his heart and keep him guided down the paths of righteousness.
Fast Forward to today.. 
Earthly stumbling blocks seem to keep my husband away from church, the bible, prayer, family time. Why God, Oh Why? Things were beginning to be wonderful again, and then this. Our church has started a married couples class on Sunday nights to grow closer to God to grow in marriage. I have been twice so far and both times I have been by myself. It's hard going to church, taking the kids and keeping my faith strong. As I continue to stay strong faithfully for myself, my husband, and my family I will never stop praying for God to intervene and awaken a dead marriage to be brought to light!
Like they say tomorrow's a new day, a new start.. until then Be Blessed, Not Stressed!
