Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Enhancing My Love Relationship

1 Corinthians 13:7

"Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance."

The world defines love much differently than the Scriptures define love. The world defines love as an emotion, strong feelings that you have toward another person. While it is true that love involves strong emotions, that alone will not sustain a marriage.

What we need today is a Biblical definition of love and a consistent expression of that love toward one another. The Bible defines love not as something that you feel, but rather something that is given to you.

We are here today finding our marriages in different stages, in different situations, some are healthy and others are not. You need to be honest regarding the present reality of your marriage. 

Beginning with intimacy, What is your definition?
To me it means a close warm affectionate relationship, which both feel understood, safe, and loved.

  1. Spiritual Intimacy- The Bible describes the most intimate and profound love as Agape. 
  • Spiritual intimacy is the most critical area in your marriage.
  • Spiritual intimacy involves changing yourself spritually. Deepening your intimacy with God.
(Do this with your spouse) Turn to John 15. Find statements in verses 5-8 that reveal the kind of relationship that Jesus would ask of you?
 As I answered on my paper, I put being the true vine. (This is what I feel he would ask of me. Each answer is different,and would be taken as you feel God speaking to you.)

As each spouse grows closer to God, they become intimate with the Father's love. As they become intimate with the Father's love, they are able to reciprocate that in their marriage. Before you can love your spouse more, you have to love him more.

Other things to discuss are areas of your marriage that may need to be worked on. What are some right now that you need? Talk with your spouse on this and write down what comes to mind. Here are some examples for you that may need improvement.
  • Communication  
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Finances
  • Parenting
  • Sex
  • Spiritual Growth
  • Household Task
  • In-Laws
       How do you feel your marriage is? On a scale of 1-10. 1 being totally miserable and 10 being absolutely perfect. Where are you at today?

Next We talk about the Emotional need in a marriage....

God Bless you and your marriage.
Sister In Christ,

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