Thursday, November 21, 2013

Enhancing My Love Relationship (Part 2)

 Emotional Intimacy

"We are most alive when we find it, most devastated when we lose it, most empty when we give up on it,must inhuman when we betray it,and most compassionate when we pursue it."- Erwin McMannis

To increase emotional intimacy you have to find ways to connect every day!
  • Finding time to laugh together. Think about this, when was the last time you had a good belly laugh together?
  • Recollect the first time you held hands together as a couple. Can you remember the emotions involved in that first encounter?
Men, women are difficult to understand, it's just the way God made us. Full of emotions (more than what we want most days) and it only takes simple gestures for it to mean the world to us. For example, Calling to say "I Love You" or holding our hands in public, stroking our hair, a random act of kindness. 

( Men try to open up more to your wives. We share enough of our problems with you and now sometimes it's time for us to take the back seat and listen for a bit. We love and care for you and want to know about what has been on your mind as well.)

Women, men are easy to understand  they are more hard wired to understand the physical part of a relationship. Again, it's the way God made them. Emotions are more harder for them to comprehend and deal with. They tend to hide/shelter their true feelings,both sexes need to take time to work on sharing emotion together. 

We will close each time with you communicating to one another. Three questions for you to consider together:
  1. What are some qualities about your spouse that caused you to fall in love with them? Take turns sharing these and talk about how some of those qualities might have changed over time. What qualities are still the same?
  2. What are some actions that you can take to build your spiritual intimacy with God? with each other? 
  3. When is your next date planned? (What? No date planned? Plan one now, make a commitment and stick to it.)
Help us to be quiet at times to listen to our spouses. Give us the will to take time to spend communicating more and connect closer. Thank you for my spouse and continue to strengthen our spiritual intimacy with you, so our marriage will prosper.
In your name we pray

Thank you for reading my blog and I hope it continues to offer help for those of you who may need it.
God Bless,

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